The "WebsiteWatch" means "website alteration auto-monitoring tool".
The "WebsiteWatch" tampers with your website 24×7 at your site-user's point of view. The "WebsiteWatch" monitors your website by automatic software. If the software has confirmed the change of the source, the "WebsiteWatch" sends an alerts by e-mail. In addition, the "WebsiteWatch" creates the "status report of change" automatically after checking the difference between the "data after the change" and the "original data".
File types that this online-tool can check
File types that this online-tool can check
- html
- css
- js ( javascript file )
- txt ( text file )
※ About Interpreter languages such as PHP: Delete tags like <?php, and create html file or txt file. Then the file will be checked.
Details of this tool
Details of this tool
Pages that can be monitored
· Pages that contain one domain. If you use a sub-domain, the "WebsiteWatch" tempers your websites at sub-domain basis.
(Example) www.Rainbow-Link.com
・If you fold with multiple sub-domains, for example, "jp.Rainbow-Link.com" and "www.Rainbow-Link.com", the "WebsiteWatch" recognizes them as "different websites".
・ In this service, "subdomain + domain" or "domain" is called the "top-domain".
The frequency of monitoring
・ The most frequent is "every 30 minutes". The low frequency is "once a day". When you enroll, please specify the frequency.
E-mail Alert
・The "WebsiteWatch" guides you (a) "URL"(s) of pages that anyone changed.
・ If you set up the "WebsiteWatch"'s frequency of monitoring as "several times a day", the URL(s) is/are duplicated.
・Real example of an E-mail Alert
The "Viewing-Report-Panel" to view "status report of change"
・ log in using the information that is described in the E-mail Alert. If you click ( or copy-and-paste ) the "Direct-Login-Link" below the "Check out the details" in your E-mail Alert, and the "Viewing-Report-Panel" is opened. In the case, the login elements without "Password" are filled. Simply input the password.
Real example of a "status report of change"
・Primarily, in the "status report of change", check out the part that was colored with red color.
・ If you have a "E-mail Alert" of a specific date, using the login-password the "WebsiteWatch" issues time by time until your withdrawal. By using the password, you can always see the "status report of change" during your payment period.
・If you think that you lost the E-mail Alert, but you want to check the information for a specific date in the past, we will issue manually a login password. You need to pay a fee of 500 yen per once.
Procedure to use
Procedure to use
Signing up → Creating a "PageData by us ("original data") → payment (prepayment) → Starting to Use
PageData ("original data")
PageData ("original data")
- At the time of sign up, please specify the page that you want to monitor.
・Create a text file in the same way that you create for search engines. This text file is called the "URL LIST" in this service. ( example: in our case: urllist.txt ).
・3,000 yen per month per 50 pages. ( Check your currency below )
- By using your "URL LIST", the software of the "WebsiteWatch" automatically create your "PageData".
・ The "WebsiteWatch" takes a "difference" on the basis of this "PageData". So, if you'd like to change any page content with your intention, the "WebsiteWatch" needs to create the initial data of the page again. Please notify the URL and the date you change the content in advance.
Information of the Signing Up
Information of the Signing Up
「Use it with deleting "eg)". | |
Your Name | RealName (Personal/Company/Org'Name) |
E-mail Address | used for an E-mail Alert and contacting you |
language | to use an E-mail Alert ( English or Japanese ) |
An IP-address or a hostname | that can permit to log in the "Viewing-Report-Panel" EG: 135.246.357.468 |
Sign Up Now
Sign Up Now
データセンター = 株式会社レインボーリンクが運営するLAN: ICANN登録NetName: 『Rainbow-Link』
株式会社レインボーリンクのIPアドレス: -
IPアドレス: -
( Rainbow-Link.com )
ドメイン名「Rainbow-Link.com」のエリア。 株式会社レインボーリンクが開発したソフトウェア『Rainbow-Link』で運用。
IPアドレス: -
( Rainbow-Link.com以外のエリア ) ドメイン名「Mesh2.Net」のエリア。他社が作成したソフトウェア『streams』を利用したサービスの提供。 ドメイン名「www.secure-formmail.net」のエリア。他社が作成したソフトウェア『WordPress』向けに開発したプラグインの実物デモサイト ( www.secure-formmail.net )の提供。 ドメイン名「mokulen.com」のエリア。現在使用していない。
( 2014/10/08, 05:41:33, JST )
RainbowLink Inc. ( 株式会社レインボーリンク )