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If my 'Confirmation Window' & 'Submission Window' lost their shapes in my original theme, what should I do?

Umm... we can't understand the situation, but, if so, please create a template for your 'Page' for 'Confirmation Window' & 'Submission Window' ( at where you set the shortcode of this plugin ).

Please see assets folder. In the folder, there is a template which name is 'apcf_template.php'. Customize 'apcf_template.php' for your original theme and use it the template for your 'Page' for 'Confirmation Window' & 'Submission Window' ( at where you set the shortcode of this plugin ).

The template name is "All Post Contact Form - Confirmation Window & Submission Window -".

( , JST )

このページのURL: https://jp.rainbow-link.com/FAQ.htm?&faq_id=248



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