I'd like to upgrade "All Post Contact Form". What should I do?
Yes. Please do steps below:
1. Download【Files for customizing】in your server to your local machine, if you customized them.List of【Files for customizing】
□ allpost-contactform.css
□ allpost-contactform.js
□ allpost-contactform-str_replace.php
□ language files: following (1) and (2):
(1) rl-apcf-admin.php and rl-apcf-public.php, rl-apcf-admin-ja.php and rl-apcf-public-ja.php, rl-apcf-admin-ar.php and rl-apcf-public-ar.php
(2) allpost-contactform-language.php
2. Update the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress Admin Panel.
3. Upload downloaded【Files for customizing】at 1 to /wp-content/plugins/allpost-contactform in your server.
【See also】
When the plugin is upgraded, its stylesheet and javascript are initialized, which is annoying. Please tell me how to prevent the initialization.( 2017/09/23, 09:04:24, JST )